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It’s time to make peace with mirrors and photographs!

Rinoplasti nedir?

Rhinoplasty is the medical term given to aesthetic surgeries performed to reshape the nose. In these operations, non-aesthetic images in the nose can be corrected, especially the enlargement and reduction of the nose to give an aesthetic shape to the nose.

If you have a health-related problem such as breathing problems, or if your nose does not satisfy you aesthetically and causes you anxiety, you can apply for nasal aesthetics.

How is rhinoplasty done?

Rhinoplasty is performed using different techniques for different purposes. Sometimes incisions are made into the nose and sometimes in the upper part of the nose. Base bone and cartilages can be taken and tissue can be added. This tissue is taken from another part of the body or a synthetic filler can be used. Bone and cartilage are rearranged and shaped in rhinoplasty.

After the operation, treatments are applied to support the success of the plastic surgery. Patients reported that they felt very little pain after surgery. Any discomfort felt can also be controlled with a mild pain medication.

Rhinoplasty can be done under general or local anaesthesia. 1 night stay in the operation center is required. This process may be prolonged or shortened depending on the nasal aesthetic technique to be applied.

What are the types of rhinoplasty?

Aesthetic Nose Surgery-Rhinoplasty is performed with two main techniques: Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty. The technique to be applied is directly related to the structure of the nose and the procedure decided to be performed. There are also different applications to shape the nose with these two main techniques.

Open Rhinoplasty: The surgery is performed with an open incision. With this incision, the inside of the nose and the tip of the nose can be seen and reshaped easier and more precisely.

Closed Rhinoplasty: The incision used in the operation remains inside the nostrils. The nose is shaped by entering through this incision.

Generally, closed technique is used as much as possible to prevent scarring. However, open rhinoplasty may be necessary in case of severe damage or when the treatment area in the nasal cavity is problematic. Efforts are made to minimize the visible scar as much as possible.

Nasal Tip Aesthetics (Tipplasty - Minor Rhinoplasty - Mini Rhinoplasty),
Revision Rhinoplasty,
Piezo Nose Aesthetics,
Functional Rhinoplasty,
Ethnic Rhinoplasty

With rhinoplasty, many health problems related to the nose can be solved:

Correction of Septum:

The septum is the two passageways that connect the nasal cavity from the upper part of the nose to the nostrils. Septum consists of several parts such as cartilage and bone.

A septum may have traveled to one side of the nasal cavity without forming two equal paths. It causes a crooked nose in appearance and often inability to breathe easily. When the septum is tilted to one side, it can form an S-shape or bend similarly to a C-shape. Both deviating septums can block the airflow and eventually damage the soft tissues in your nose. By correcting the septum with rhinoplasty, healthy breathing and an aesthetic appearance are given to the nose.

Correction of Enlarged Nasal Flesh (Concha / Turbinate):

Rhinoplasty can correct large bones. There are three types of concha in the nose: the upper concha, which is high in the nose between the eyes, the middle concha located in the middle of the nose, and the lower concha that ends just above the nostril. The enlarged bones are corrected by removing the tissues and reducing their size. Sometimes it is rasped, this is a process decided according to the current condition of the patient.

Removal of Nasal Polyps:

Like the enlarged nasal concha, nasal polyps are often associated with allergies and irritated inside the nose. This growth develops in the nasal passages as soft, jelly-like bulbs. To remove them, the surgeon uses a tool to reach the nostrils and carefully remove the nasal concha. Unfortunately, nasal polyps are very likely to recur.

Correction of the Nose Root (Radix):

The root of the nose may be high or hollow, or it may have collapsed due to a blow. These can also be corrected with nose aesthetics.

Straightening the Oblique Nose

If the nose is slightly curved or shifted to one side, some bone or cartilages can be reduced or physiologically corrected by shifting the tissues.

Nasolabial Angle Adjustment:

The Nasolabial Angle is the angle between the anterior face of the upper lip and under the nose. It is wider in women and is between about 100-110 degrees. In males, it is narrower and is between 90 and 105 degrees. If the tip of the nose is too raised, the nasolabial angle is larger than normal. If the tip of the nose is lower than normal, this angle is less than normal. Nasolabial Angle Adjustment is made for the person who has problems in terms of both aesthetics and health.

Who Can Have Rhinoplasty?

  • People who have insufficient or incomplete breathing, snoring, sleep apnea due to their nasal internal structure
  • People with aesthetic problems in their nose
  • People who have a health or aesthetically problematic nose, and who have gone through puberty
  • People who have a loss of self-confidence due to aesthetic problems in their nose
  • People who are not satisfied with the previous rhinoplasty operation
  • People over the age of 18

What Kind of Nose Will You Get After Rhinoplasty?

Decision Making of Nose Aesthetics with 3D

You can see in 3D how your nose will look after the surgery before you undergo rhinoplasty operations. According to the 3D result with your doctor, it will help you to have a rhinoplasty operation without any worries.

How is 3D imaging done in nose aesthetics?

First, medical photographs of the patient are taken from different angles. Photos are uploaded to the software. The doctor plans the new nose structure. The planned new nose structure and image is shared with the patient. The patient's wishes and expectations are reviewed and a decision is made. With virtual reality glasses, the newly created nose is examined in 3D and you have a complete idea of what the nose will look like.

Advantages of 3D Imaging in rhinoplasty:

The patient sees him/herself in 3 dimensions with 3D imaging, which allows the nose aesthetic operation to be entered comfortably without worrying; It is understood how the nose looks from many different angles, front, back, side, top, bottom and more. Changes can be made on 3D Images. The patient can explain their wishes for nasal aesthetics.

Before having a rhinoplasty, a front and profile picture is requested from the patient. You can also do this by sending it digitally without coming to our clinics. Our specialist doctors prepare the final version of your nose by considering the necessary design.

Rhinoplasty - How is it after the rhinoplasty operation?

It is extremely natural to feel swelling, bruising and pain depending on the technique performed after the nose aesthetics and depending on your body. Cold compresses can help relieve swelling and pain, if any pain occurs. Objects such as ice or ice packs should not be placed onto the nose. Problems such as edema and bruising in your nose pass quickly - day by day. You can switch to social life after an average of 1 week.

Splint (splint) and bandages around the nose are removed within an average of one week, according to the intervention performed in rhinoplasty. However, most of the nose aesthetic operations are now performed without the use of such apparatuses.

Plaster and tampons that allow the rhinoplasty to heal in a healthy way are removed painlessly after 1 or 2 days, and the plaster is removed after an average of 1 week. Today, it is possible to breathe more easily with perforated tampons.

Keeping your head elevated for the first few days after surgery will minimize swelling. You may need to keep your head up and relatively steady while sleeping. Avoid strenuous activities such as aerobics and jogging, do not blow the nose, avoid constipation, and avoid excessive facial expressions such as laughing. It may take several weeks for you to return to strenuous activities.

It is easy to wear wide-necked or front-opening clothes, wide hats, and wearing lenses instead of glasses. During the first month, the nose should be protected from the direct effects of sunlight and protective creams should be used.

Follow-up and care is very important after rhinoplasty surgery. You should report any progress to your surgeon, such as excessive bleeding, unexpected swelling, fever or severe pain. For techniques such as massage, nasal sprays or small drug injections that resemble cortisone during the healing process, or for techniques that will further improve the desired result, you can only get approval from your doctor and ask him to do the application.

It may take 6 months for the new nose shape to settle after the nose aesthetics.

Questions & Answers

Open Rhinoplasty

For a reliable and expected result in Nose Aesthetics...

Open Nose Aesthetics is performed to eliminate both functional or congenital / participation disorders and aesthetic problems in the nose. Open nasal aesthetics should be preferred especially in severe bone curvatures, severely deformed noses, and rhinoplasty noses.

How is Open Nose Aesthetics Performed?

In Open Nose Aesthetics, a small incision is made in the area between the nostrils, the skin is lifted and aesthetic application is performed. With the incision made, the surgeon can work more comfortably for the intervention.

Before the nose tip aesthetics, the front and profile pictures are requested from the patient. You can also do this by sending it digitally without coming to our clinics. Our specialist doctors prepare the final version of your nose by considering the necessary design.

How Long Does Open Nose Surgery Take?

Open Rhinoplasty takes approximately 2-2.5 hours. In case of any other problem in the nose other than aesthetic intervention or if other procedures such as removing cartilage from the rib bone are required, the operation time is prolonged.

How is it After the Open Nose Aesthetics Surgery??

Those who have open nose aesthetic surgery can return to their daily lives within 1 week or 10 days.
You can take a bath 3 days after the operation.

Keeping the head elevated for the first few days after surgery minimizes swelling. The head should be kept up and relatively stable while sleeping. The nose should be protected against impact and trauma. Avoid strenuous activities such as aerobics and running, do not blow the nose, avoid constipation, and avoid excessive facial expressions such as laughing. Soft foods should be consumed and the mouth area should not be tired. Blood-thinning foods should not be consumed. It may take several weeks to return to strenuous activities.

It is easier to wear wide-necked or front-opening clothes, wide hats, and wearing lenses instead of glasses. During the first month, the nose should be protected from the direct effects of sunlight and protective creams should be used.

Follow-up and care are very important after rhinoplasty surgery. You should report any progress to your surgeon, such as excessive bleeding, unexpected swelling, fever or severe pain. For techniques such as massage, nasal sprays or small drug injections that resemble cortisone during the healing process, or for techniques that will further improve the desired result, you can only get approval from your doctor and ask him to do the application.

Open Rhinoplasty:

  • It is an application without tampon, plaster and scalpel. Splint is used.
  • It is the preferred technique for operations to be performed by breaking the nose.
  • There may be a small stitch mark, it will pass over time.
  • It is done under anaesthesia.
  • Lasts between 2 and 2.5 hours.
  • The healing process takes 1 week to 10 days.

Questions & Answers

Closed Rhinoplasty

Advantage of medical and technology innovations in nose aesthetics: Scareless, fast recovery!

Closed Rhinoplasty is one of the most preferred rhinoplasty surgeries. Developments and innovations in medicine and technology have enabled rhinoplasty surgeries to be performed with closed method. With this surgery, the skeleton of the nose and soft tissues was corrected, and it was ensured to be compatible and proportional to the face. At the same time, both the healing process was shortened and results were started to be obtained without scarring in the surgery.

What is Closed Nose Aesthetics?

With Closed Rhinoplasty, reduction of the nose, removal of asymmetry in the nose, correction of the size of the nostrils, removal of the bump on the back of the nose, correction of the angle between the nose and the lip, curvature of the nose or low nasal tip can be performed. The most important advantage of Closed Nose Aesthetics is that there are no visible stitches or scars from the outside.

How is Closed Nose Aesthetics Performed?

Closed Nose Aesthetics is performed by endoscopic methods. Surgical equipment is entered into the nose, incisions and stitches are made in the nose; aesthetic application is performed. In Closed Nose Aesthetics, the nose is not broken, rasping techniques are used. Closed Nose Aesthetics with general anaesthesia usually lasts between 1 and 3 hours.

Who Can Have Closed Nose Aesthetics?

It can be applied to people who have aesthetic concerns about their nose, who have functional disorders and problems, and who are over 18 years old.

Before having Closed Rhinoplasty, a front and profile picture is requested from the patient. You can also do this by sending it digitally via our website without coming to our clinics (link). Our specialist doctors prepare the final version of your nose by considering the necessary design.

How is it After the Closed Nose Aesthetic Surgery?

There may be complaints such as swelling, bruising, nasal congestion, restriction of mouth movements after Closed Rhinoplasty surgery. However, these are temporary complaints. Edema and bruises usually begin to disappear on the 2nd or 3rd day and decrease within 7-10 days.

After the surgery, silicone splints and protective bands are attached to the nose to reduce bleeding. These splints are breathable and do not cause breathing problems. Splints placed in the nose are removed 2-3 days later.

Since the stitches remain in the nose, they melt spontaneously and do not need to be removed.

Those who have Closed Nose Aesthetics can return to their daily lives within 1 week or 10 days.

You can take a bath 3 days after the operation.

Keeping the head elevated for the first few days after surgery minimizes swelling. The head should be kept up and relatively stable while sleeping. Avoid strenuous activities such as aerobics and running, do not blow the nose, avoid constipation, and avoid excessive facial expressions such as laughing. Soft foods should be consumed and the mouth area should not be tired. Blood-thinning foods should not be consumed. It may take several weeks to return to strenuous activities.

It is easy to wear wide-necked or front-opening clothes, wide hats, and wearing lenses instead of glasses. During the first month, the nose should be protected from the direct effects of sunlight and protective creams should be used.

Follow-up and care is very important after rhinoplasty surgery. You should report any progress to your surgeon, such as excessive bleeding, unexpected swelling, fever or severe pain. For techniques such as massage, nasal sprays or small drug injections that resemble cortisone during the healing process, or for techniques that will further improve the desired result, you can only get approval from your doctor and ask him to do the application.

It may take 6 months for the new nose shape to settle after the nose aesthetics

Closed Rhinoplasty:

  • It is an application without tampon, plaster, and scalpel. Splint is used.
  • The nose is not broken, rasping techniques are used.
  • No stitch marks.
  • It is done under anaesthesia.
  • Lasts between 1 and 3 hours.
  • The healing process takes 1 week to 10 days.

Questions & Answers